For over 150 years, Mayo Mill, located in Dover-Foxcroft, on the banks of the Piscataquis River, served a financial powerhouse with the manufacturing of wood and woolen products. In 2007, the Mill closed its doors, with ownership transferring to the residents of Dover-Foxcroft through Tax Foreclosure. In addition to a loss of significant tax revenue once paid by the mill, the residents of Dover-Foxcroft were left with a property riddled with environmental risk and contamination. One of the key programs PCEDC works with is the EPA Brownfields Program, including grant programs for the Assessment and Cleanup of Brownfield Sites. PCEDC helped the Dover-Foxcroft Municipality and residents in assessing environmental contaminants and risk, and in creating a vision for the mill site.

PCEDC’s efforts continued by helping secure funding for environmental cleanup utilizing EPA
Brownfields Site-specific Cleanup Grant funds paired with EPA Brownfields RLF & Grant funds.
PCEDC worked with the Town and the developer to secure additional funding for the build-out
of Mayo Mill. The mill now sits back on the tax rolls, containing 22 market rate apartments,
office space, a café & inn, and event space. Additionally, Mayo Mill helped breathe a renewed
life into downtown Dover Foxcroft.

Posted on:   December 20, 2019

Categories:   Success Stories
